Get it ready in time for Christmas; Surfing Santa has been spotted

It is not yet Halloween in the US, but Christmas preparations are well underway in the Philippines. When do you start to dust off the holiday decoration totes? I usually find the scent pots and candles first; they emit nostalgic fragrances that help to usher in the holiday feel.
How far did your parents go to convince you Father Christmas had visited? I will share that my father once overturned the kitchen chairs and table, placing mud track (supposedly hoof prints), and making a mess of the cookies, carrots, and milk. Mother was thrilled, and we were astonished that we slept through the wild reindeer event and Santa’s very presence in our home, as we scrambled to the prezzies.
My youngest sister carries on a tradition of our mothers in setting up an intricate model North Pole village, complete with all the shops, homes, and decor of the elves. What family Christmas homewares do you use to define your home’s holiday feel? How many ornamental baubles do you break each year, on average?
What are your typical snacks before carols by candlelight? What’s on for Christmas lunch, prawns? Then we have my favourite, Boxing Day BBQ. Fire up the coals and keep a steady stream of seared goodies flowing and a coldie or two for the chef. Happy days.
How does your celebration differ from those early years? Is there as much magic and wonder? Is it “the Holidays”, “Xmas”, “Chrissie”, or “Christmas”? As an older child, I would attend a midnight service on Christmas Eve. Was your family an “Eve” family? We weren’t allowed to touch a thing until morning, and only our stockings before our parents woke, which was too late every year.
Where do you sit on the natural vs. synthetic Christmas trees, wreaths, or garlands? I can recall a variety of different tree, or lighting issues and calamities with decorating. Do holiday movies like Bush Christmas, A Sunburnt Christmas, or Christmess hit the mark on your family holiday reality?
Some years we celebrated with natural, and others with synthetic trees. My father welded a tree frame together and loaded it with blue lights one year and I sat in awe of its glow. Some homemade light assemblies lead to faults and fire. This season can be dangerous. Use safe products. Our Energy Department has some advice on safe, eco-friendly Christmas decorations, shopping, gifts, etc.
My mother was eternally in the kitchen and my father had exterior decoration plans to rival Claus himself. They both had us kids to stir the pot or climb the ladder and make their big plans possible. I am grateful for those memories, and childhood.
How will you embrace the reason for the season this year? The gifts of relationships are enjoyed for many years. Food is life-sustaining, and sharing it is sharing love. Spend time with family (avoid a select few possibly) and rekindle the bond through memories of those people and times that have passed on.